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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: virtualization
- Experience in cluster software development in the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of msu Authors: Ошемков А.А.
- Virtual machine placement method with resource redistribution Authors: Соловьев В.П., Удовиченко А.О.
- Increase of storage coefficient of computing complex efficiency when using virtualization Authors: Тетюшев А.В.
- The experimental cloud computing environment in institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Ural Branch of RAS Authors: Ермаков Д.Г., Усталов Д.А.
- Using virtualization technologies of computing and graphics servers when designing complex simulators and operator training systems Authors: Янюшкин В.В.
- The model of fault-tolerant cluster reliability with virtual machine migration Authors: Богатырев В.А., Алексанков С.М., Деркач А.Н.
- Evolution and features of hyperconverged infrastructures Authors: Лисецкий Ю.М.
- Special features of SDN technology by Cisco Systems Authors: Лисецкий Ю.М.
- Development of trusted microprocessor software models and a microprocessor system Authors: Чибисов П.А., Кулешов А.С., Аряшев С.И., Зубковский П.С., Гревцев Н.А., Петров К.А.