Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
09 September 2024
Keyword: data support
- Authors: Попов Д.В.
- Data support method for structural-complicated projects implementation Authors: Допира Р.В., Кордюков Р.Ю., Лобузько А.В., Беглецов А.А., Талалаев А.Б.
- Technology creation for managers data support systems development when shipboard damage control Authors: Москаленко В.А.
- A method for automated synthesis of virtual organizational structures for regional security management problem-solving Authors: Маслобоев А.В.
- An automation technology and means for regional security control process simulation Authors: Маслобоев А.В., Путилов В.А.
- Information support of the development stage of solid dosage form composition Authors: Корнюшко В.Ф., Николаева О.М., Богунова И.В., Флид А.А., Гребенщиков А.А.
- Information support for decision-making in the case of an emergency at gas pipeline facilities based on production rules Authors: Христодуло О.И., Самойлов А.С.
- Information and software support for a hybrid intelligent control system in process control Authors: Кузнецов А.С., Корнюшко В.Ф., Садеков Л.В.