ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: intellectual system

  1. Authors: Артемьева И.Л., Рештаненко Н.В.

  2. Applying models of cooperative decision making in intellectual systems
  3. Authors: Сикулер Д.В., Фомин В.В.

  4. Information system for recognition of stochastic system state
  5. Authors: Колесникова С.И., Букреев В.Г., Мертвецов А.Н., Цой Ю.Р.

  6. Statement of the problem of construction of the intellectual information control system by safety of traffic
  7. Authors: Кузнецов В.Н., Клюшин А.Ю., Кучерявых В.В.

  8. Implementation possibilities of temporal database for intelligent systems
  9. Authors: Еремеев А.П., Еремеев А.А., Пантелеев А.А.

  10. Integration of the OLAP technology and fuzzy sets for processing of uncertain and inexact data in decision support systems
  11. Authors: Еремеев А.П., Еремеев А.А.

  12. Prototype of the diagnostic decision support system on the basis of integration bayesian belief networks and the Dempster–Shafer method
  13. Authors: Еремеев А.П., Хазиев Р.Р., Зуева М.В., Цапенко И.В.

  14. Application of modern intelligent and information technologies to upgrade educational process
  15. Authors: Куриленко И.Е., Ян Пайнг

  16. Human-intelligent software systems of creative problem solving intelligent support
  17. Authors: Семенов Н.А., Кузнецов В.Н., Клюшин А.Ю., Мутовкина Н.Ю.

  18. On some problems in the decision support domain
  19. Authors: Тиханычев О.В.

  20. A software agent to determine student’s psychological state in e-learning systems
  21. Authors: Швецов А.Н., Е.Л. Хрянин

  22. Implementation of reinforcement learning methods based on temporal differences and a multi-agent approach for real-time intelligent systems
  23. Authors: Еремеев А.П., Кожухов А.А.

  24. Classification and clustering methods for improving efficiency of case-based systems
  25. Authors: Варшавский П.Р., Ар Кар Мьо, Шункевич Д.В.

  26. Estimation of website security status as badly formalizable objects based on fuzzy logic methods
  27. Authors: Богатиков В.Н., Клюшин А.Ю., Дим Д.Т.

  28. Ontology design based on non-relational database for intelligent decision support system for medical purposes
  29. Authors: Еремеев А.П., Ивлиев С.А.

  30. On the implementation of machine learning tools in real-time intelligent systems
  31. Authors: Еремеев А.П., Кожухов А.А., Голенков В.В., Гулякина Н.А.

  32. Informational and algorithmic support of an environmental air monitoring intelligent system based on neural networks
  33. Authors: Корнюшко В.Ф., Садеков Л.В., Ярыгин Г.А., Баюкин М.В., Шмакова Е.Г.

  34. The system for prescribing personalized treatment by case-based reasoning using a hybrid precedent extraction method
  35. Authors: Грибова В.В., Ковалев Р.И., Окунь Д.Б.

  36. Integration of reinforcement learning methods and fuzzy logic for intelligent real-time systems
  37. Authors: Еремеев А.П., Сергеев М.Д., Петров В.С.

  38. Intelligent system for analyzing traffic flows in automated traffic control systems
  39. Authors: Катасёв А.С., Хусаинов Р.М., Талипов Н.Г., Шалаева Д.В.