Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: expert system
- Authors: Мусифулина С.Р.
- Identification of the technical condition on the basis of neural network models Authors: Нусс С.В.
- The information environment of designing of systems resource-saving managements of industrial targets Authors: Муромцев Д.Ю., Тюрин И.В., Белоусов О.А., Гребенников Р.В.
- Expert system for auditting information security Authors: Коробулина О.Ю., Иванова Н.В.
- Special software to improve the quality of expert operations results of r&d Authors: Сытник Д.А., Вакуленко А.А., Петров А.Н., Стрелец А.В.
- Fuzzy neural network system Of production dependences discovery in databases Authors: Катасёв А.С., Ахатова Ч.Ф.
- Integrating CLIPS with rule-based expert system Authors: Доровский С.В.
- Solution to the problems express diagnosis and prognosis of ARVI by means of fuzzy-logic expert system Authors: Усков А.А., Шипилов М.В., Иванов В.В
- Approach to automatic construction of hydrodynamic models Authors: Доровский С.В.
- Automated technology of expert system creation related to psychophysiological diagnostics Authors: Ермаков А.Е., Найденова К.А.
- The tool for expert systems automated creating Authors: Ермаков А.Е., Найденова К.А.
- The interpreter of descriptions of expert systems for psychological and physiological diagnostics Authors: Ермаков А.Е., Найденова К.А.
- Software for representation and transformation of discrete knowledge structures Authors: Субботин С.А.
- Software system for disease diagnosis by chromatogram of blood serum sample Authors: Барам Е.Г.
- Expert system for monitoring of technological processes Authors: Калабин А.Л., Пакшвер Э.А., Козлов А.В., Буров А.Н.
- Automation of student knowledge assessment in the ECOLE elearning system Authors: Муромцев Д.И., Козлов Ф.А.
- Software of information technology for solving conflict situations in multi-agent environment Authors: Семенов Н.А., Клюшин А.Ю., Мутовкина Н.Ю.
- On some problems in the decision support domain Authors: Тиханычев О.В.
- Improving logical inference speed of production expert systems using aspect-oriented approach Authors: Семенов Н.А., Гончаров А.А.
- Implementing an expert system to evaluate technical solutions innovativeness Authors: Палюх Б.В., Иванов В.К., Образцов И.В.
- Implementation of logical conclusion in the production expert system using Rete-network and relational database Authors: Массель Л.В., Ан Г.В., Пестерев Д.В.
- A model for the forming operational knowledge for an expert system for providing radioelectronic facilities with spare parts, tools and accessories Authors: Игнатьев С.В., Красников А.В., Осипов А.А., Шаталина Н.В.
- Developing an adaptive training system for an engineering discipline Authors: Тагирова Л.Ф.