Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
09 September 2024
Keyword: simulation
- Authors: Решетников В.Н., Генов А.А.
- Authors: Андреев В.Ю., Шорин А.Б., Новиков И.В.
- A forecasting method for regional information networks functioning characteristics Authors: Шишаев М.Г., Датьев И.О., Путилов В.А.
- The imiia system and its usage for building multi-agent systems Authors: Рыбина Г.В., Паронджанов С.С.
- Application of informational technologies for multilevel training of chemical technology specialists Authors: Колыбанов К.Ю., Корнюшко В.Ф., Бурляева Е.В., Арбенин Д.Е.
- Program complex of supporting decisions adoption with optimization of production-sale process Authors: Боковая Н.В.
- The automation of service-oriented systems management Authors: Сорокин А.Н.
- Getting of the group expert estimation of different index values: stepwise procedure and software support Authors: Хубаев Г.Н.
- Reception of the casual sequences on base of the analysis Valda Authors: Матвеев Ю.Н., Долженко А.Б.
- Software evaluation of chemical environment in emergency situations Authors: Матвеев Ю.Н.
- Multi-agent approach to fuzzy modeling of the transport company Authors: Абраменкова И.В., Образцов А.А., Жилкин И.А.
- Software tool for simulation modeling with the graph models Authors: Кораблин Ю.П., Незнанов А.А., Карпухин И.Н.
- Program based traffic generator of the virtual lab resource users Authors: Николаев А.В., Жевнерчук Д.В.
- System dynamics in monitoring for mass vaccination of population Authors: Лапшина С.Ю.
- Approaches to analyzing the accuracy of multiagent models of dynamic systems Authors: Дли М.И., Гимаров В.В., Иванова И.В.
- Problem of decision-making support in estimation of investment projects of foundry plants on the basis of moulding lines Authors: Зенькович М.В., Древс Ю.Г.
- About the program of electric power losses calculation in radial electric mains Authors: Баламетов А.Б., Халилов Э.Д.
- Simulation modeling of the pneumo-hidro-mechanical system in a computer simulator Authors: Иванов В.В., Лаленков В.А.
- The distributed subsystem of the electronic circuits design Authors: Глушань В.М., Лаврик П.В.
- Goal-resource networks Authors: Дюндюков В.С.
- Simulation systems comparative analysis for information processing research in a globally distributed automated information systems Authors: Бондаренко А.А.
- Modeling in computing clusters technical support system Authors: Гришаков В.Г., Фролов Д.В.
- Tool environments for production optimization and planning based on evolutionary metaheuristics Authors: Афонин П.В., Маликова А.А., Сашилина К.С.
- Creating a telecommunications market multiagent model Authors: Дли М.И., Гимаров В.В., Иванова И.В.
- Simulation model for repair and diagnostic complex benchmark evaluation Authors: Мартынов Д.В., Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Кордюков Р.Ю., Сергиенко С.В.
- Objective methods of simulation modeling adequacy probabilistic assessment in information systems of ergatic radioelectronic facilities acquisition Authors: Мартынов Д.В., Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Кордюков Р.Ю., Потапов А.Н.
- Virtual reality systems in damage control training of personnel Authors: Чуланов А.О., Бондарь Е.М., Радченко В.М., Федоров Н.А., Лещина А.Е.
- Imitation modeling for aerospace confrontation Authors: Смирнов А.А., Богданов О.А., Ковалев Д.В.
- Forest fire simulation using an agent-based model Authors: Яровой С.В.
- Implementation of subjective methods of simulator adequacy probabilistic assessment based on a software system involving experts and questioning trainees Authors: Мартынов Д.В., Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Потапов А.Н., Угловский Е.П.
- Review of simulation modeling tools for robot groups with social organization elements Authors: Ровбо М.А., Овсянникова Е.Е., Чумаченко А.А.
- Modular computer systems simulation software tool for checking feasibility of their configurations Authors: Глонина А.Б.
- A multy-agent simulation of infecting objects dissemination and interaction Authors: Климентьев К.Е.
- Kvorum – the system for modeling the behavior of robotic agent groups with elements of social organization Authors: Ровбо М.А., Овсянникова Е.Е., Карпов В.Э.
- Simulation of messages transmission between moving objects in a transport environment Authors: Соколова О.Д., Рудометов С.В.
- Comparison the efficiency of adaptive algorithms of traffic control in AnyLogic Authors: Андронов С.А.
- Development of operation algorithms of a mathematical model of an airship anti-stealth radar Authors: Суша С.В.
- . Methods and tools for modeling supercomputer job management system Authors: Баранов А.В., Ляховец Д.С.
- The development software for input of initial data during simulation Authors: Чернышев С.А., Антипова С.А.
- Modelling a supercomputer job bundling system based on the Alea simulator Authors: Баранов А.В., Ляховец Д.С.