Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
09 September 2024
Keyword: mathematical model
- Authors: Селезнев В.П.
- Authors: Белогуров С.Е.
- Authors: Кудинов А.Н., Михеев С.А., Цветков В.П., Цветков И.В.
- Authors: Хоботов Е.Н., Калинин Н.М.
- Authors: Григорьев И.А.
- Authors: Карпов В.М.
- Authors: Александрова Л.А., Тумбинская М.В.
- Method of an estimation of probability of acceptance of erroneous decisions at the discriminant analysis of transport knots Authors: Пасевич В..
- Case frame deliveries of greases by vehicle Authors: Драпалюк М.В., Афоничев Д.Н.
- Methods analisis of functional models Authors: Ильин В.А., Янча С.П.
- Radio-electronic and electronic computing equipment components and blocks placement based on bionic methods Authors: Курейчик В.В., Бушин С.А.
- Model of multi-agent for prognostication the automated control systems Authors: Лихачев В.Е.
- Introduction computer technology in laboratory practical work Authors: Панюшкин Н.Н.
- Choice of the mathematical scheme at construction models of operations Authors: Глушков И.Н.
- Application of analytic hierarchy method for support decision making at drug choice Authors: Большаков А.Л., Бутенко Д.В.
- Automated construction of physical models based on linguistic descriptions of precedents Authors: Филатова Н.Н., Зинякин Р.С.
- Source code generator for real-time systems Authors: Нархов К.Г.
- Factor analysis in problems of simulation of multidimensional systems Authors: Пащенко Ф.Ф., Дургарян И.С., Голяк И.В.
- Task of definition of group of risk for homogeneous transport units Authors: Веслав Пасевич
- Model of optimal projects planning for microelectronic products creation Authors: Беляева Т.П., Затворницкий А.П.
- Maintenance service of complex training systems constructed on two-rank local area networks Authors: Хрястолов Ю.М.
- Multi-step identification method application in the development of mathematical models of socio-economic systems Authors: Пащенко Ф.Ф., Антипов В.И., Десятов И.В.
- Model of formation of adaptive learning environment and evaluation of its effectiveness Authors: Зайдуллина С.Г., Мигранов Н.Г.
- Selection and distribution of vehicles in the life cycle of motor transport enterprise Authors: Аникеев Е.А., Федоров Н.Ю., Черкасов О.Н.
- Techniques provided fof valnerabilities reduction in special real time software Authors: Нархов К.Г.
- Modelling in sphere of management of pulse protection against explosion and a fire Authors: Кряжич О.А.
- Using ontologies in ships operation tasks Authors: Козырев И.В.
- Combat operations modeling in operational-tactical and tactical simulators Authors: Ильин В.А.
- Information-simulation modeling system architecture for IT-infrastructure life cycle support Authors: Гришаков В.Г.
- Tool environment architecture for processing of design procedures presented in the functionally adaptive form Authors: Горбачев И.В., Похилько А.Ф., Цыганков Д.Э.
- Development of an information processing prototype in respect of its cost Authors: Скрипачев В.О., Чулкин М.О.
- “Сorrective” software package to research long-term development of the fuel and energy sector of Vietnam Authors: Еделев А.В., Пяткова Н.И., Чемезов А.В., Нгуен Xoaй
- The development of cars traffic routes planning system for rail freight Authors: Хоботов Е.Н., Цельсова А.Ю.
- Enterprise information resources modeling for process organization of enterprise management system Authors: Шведенко В.Н., Веселова Н.С.
- An approach to SADT (IDEF0) difficulty evaluation Authors: Усков А.А., Жукова А.Г.
- Some technological aspects of creating educational training equipment for Navy commanding officers and specialists Authors: Ильин В.А., Андреев В.Ю., Базлов А.Ф., Шуванов А.Д.
- Decision support when choosing medications based on the hierarchy analysis method Authors: Большаков А.Л., Бутенко Д.В., Бутенко Л.Н.
- The monitoring of information trends system’s architecture based on the free software Authors: Беляев С.А., Васильев А.В., Кудряков С.А.
- Unified description of information radioelectronic system functioning to estimate training aids software Authors: Допира Р.В., Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Потапов А.Н., Ищук И.Н., Брежнев Е.Ю.
- A service model for military computer simulators Authors: Вус А.В.
- Tools for determining a linguistic-statistical affinity of languages using the turkic morpheme model Authors: Альменова А.Б.
- An enterprise management system Authors: Лисецкий Ю.М.
- Models of enterprise information system support in lifecycle stages Authors: Лисецкий Ю.М.
- Forecasting time series of infectious morbidity Authors: Тарасова С.А.
- Fundamentals of modeling a decision support system for the integrated use of surface ship air defense forces and assets Authors: Шустова Н.А., Степанов В.В.
- A formal model of multiagent systems for federated learning Authors: Холод И.И., Юлейси Г.П.
- Developing and modeling a hybrid dynamic routing protocol Authors: Абросимов Л.И., Орлова М.А., Хаю Х.
- Computer modeling of steel chemical composition to optimize steel production by combining heats Authors: Ершов Е.В., Карачунов А.Г.