Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: computer modeling
- Model of the elementary particles accelerator Authors: Васильев Н.Г., Васильев Д.Н.
- Program of calculation of carrying capacity flexible workcells Authors: Рахматуллин Р.Р., Сердюк А.И., Гаврюшина Е.В.
- Program complex for an estimation of efficiency of manufacturing of a product Authors: Сердюк А.И., Галина Л.В., Черноусова А.М.
- Cloud computing for computer simulation in science and engineering Authors: Тарнавский Г.А.
- Software-hardware complex for research, designing and control of processing the plastics masses Authors: Равичев Л.В., Логинов В.Я., Беспалов А.В.
- The concept of mathematical and computer simulation of thermal processes in electronic systems Authors: Мадера А.Г.
- Algorithms for equipment reliability test in an automatic control system Authors: Русин А.Ю., Абдулхамед М., Барышев Я.В.
- Computer simulation of engineering surface structure at the micro-level Authors: Болотов А.Н., Рачишкин А.А., Сутягин О.В.
- Computer simulation of physical interactions of technical surfaces at the micro-level Authors: Болотов А.Н., Рачишкин А.А., Сутягин О.В.
- Planning and computer simulation of an experiment to simulate the goal presence for a radar station Authors: Калабин А.Л., Морозов А.К.
- A method for testing radar stations using an unmanned aerial vehicle and airborne equipment Authors: Калабин А.Л., Морозов А.К.
- Computer modeling for intelligent evaluation of dynamic interaction of solids Authors: Филатова Н.Н., Мешков В.В., Федосов Ю.А.
- Computer modeling of complex interactions of granular material distinct elements using functionally defined objects Authors: Долговесов Б.С., Вяткин С.И.
- Mathematical model for calculating electrothermal reactor technological parameters: Software implementation Authors: Орехов В.А., Бобков В.И., Быков А.А., Незамаев С.В.