Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: error situation
- The algorithm of an operational administration for liquidation of emergency consequences and emergency situations on objects of destruction of chemical weapon Authors: Матвеев Ю.Н., Палюх Б.Н.
- Algorithm of functioning of automated system support of decision-making for management of liquidation processes of Authors: Матвеев Ю.Н.
- Reception of the casual sequences on base of the analysis Valda Authors: Матвеев Ю.Н., Долженко А.Б.
- Software evaluation of chemical environment in emergency situations Authors: Матвеев Ю.Н.
- Automated system of decision making support in emergencies Authors: Скобелев П.О., Потоцкий С.И., Матюшин М.М., Потапов В.И., Лахин О.И.
- Virtual reality systems in damage control training of personnel Authors: Чуланов А.О., Бондарь Е.М., Радченко В.М., Федоров Н.А., Лещина А.Е.
- Information support for decision-making in the case of an emergency at gas pipeline facilities based on production rules Authors: Христодуло О.И., Самойлов А.С.