Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
09 September 2024
Keyword: uml
- Source code generator for real-time systems Authors: Нархов К.Г.
- Techniques provided fof valnerabilities reduction in special real time software Authors: Нархов К.Г.
- A Web-service for knowledge base generation on the basis of conceptual models Authors: Юрин А.Ю., Дородных Н.О.
- Application features of object-oriented design for hard real time embedded systems Authors: Аржаев В.И., Скворцов А.В.
- Design of the QVT Operational Mappings interpreter for UML Refactoring in terms of the model driven architecture approach Authors: Дерюгина О.А., Крючкова Е.В.
- Using decision tables transformations when creating the «Detector» intelligent software module for web applications Authors: Юрин А.Ю.