Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: RapidIO
- Mutual exclusion algorithm for RapidIO switch access Authors: Бакулин А.А.
- Validation of routing scheme in RapidiO system Authors: Бакулин А.А.
- Improvement of debugging and testing increase performance techniques in multiprocessor systems Authors: Лавринов Г.А.
- Methods of multiprocessor system initializations Authors: Лавринов Г.А.
- Multiprocessor systems memory testing Authors: Лавринов Г.А.
- High performance RapidIO block to create multi-core microprocessors with RapidIO virtual links Authors: Бобков С.Г., Козлов Н.А.
- MPI support in Linux OS for RapidIO-based multiprocessor computer systems Authors: Кулешов А.С.
- Channels implementation of ARINC 653 specification in RTOS Baget 3 Authors: Годунов А.Н., Солдатов В.А., Хоменков И.И.