Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: security of the information
- Mathematical modelling of the distributed systems of security of the information Authors: Давыдова Е.Н.
- Methods of solving the problem of access to service files under the conditions of mandatory access control Authors: Ефимов А.Ю.
- An experience in hardware implementation of functional modules of information security measures on variable logic integrated circuits Authors: Архангельский А.В., Торопченов Н.Ю.
- Data protection in self-organizing information system without using special facilities Authors: Дрождин В.В., Зинченко Р.Е.
- A methodical framework of analysis and synthesis of secure software development controls Authors: Марков А.С., Цирлов В.Л., Барабанов А.В.
- Problems of network traffic statistics processing to detect intrusion in existing information systems Authors: Ефимов А.Ю.
- A system and legal model of information security (data protection) Authors: Голубчиков С.В., Новиков В.К., Баранова А.В.
- An automated system of information accessibility protecting from attacks by unauthorized traffic in UNIX-like systems Authors: Пальчевский Е.В., Халиков А.Р.
- The effectiveness of stage-by-stage use of securirty means crossing threat detection areas Authors: Коломойцев В.С., Богатырев В.А.
- Web-robot detection method based on user’s navigation graph Authors: Гатчин Ю.А., Менщиков А.А.
- Information security of a supercomputer center Authors: Баранов А.В., Корепанов П.М., Кузнецов Е.Е.
- Modeling information processes of big data management systems to solve cybersecurity problems Authors: Полтавцева М.А., Зегжда Д.П.