ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: automated management

  1. Intelligence plan and management of production systems in geophysical manufacture
  2. Authors: Бурдо Г.Б.

  3. The software of technological process of soldering spacecrafts’ waveguides
  4. Authors: Тынченко В.С., Бочаров А.Н., Лаптёнок В.Д., Серёгин Ю.Н., Злобин С.К.

  5. An automation system of induction soldering based on two control loops with work position shift
  6. Authors: Тынченко В.С., Лаптёнок В.Д., Петренко В.Е., Мурыгин А.В., Милов А.В.

  7. Software for an automated control system for electron beam welding of thin-walled structures
  8. Authors: Тынченко В.С., Петренко В.Е., Милов А.В.

  9. Automated control module for a production process monitoring system
  10. Authors: Соломаха Г.М., Хижняк С.В.

  11. An algorithm for ensuring the required level of stability of control of an unmanned aerial vehicle in the conditions of counteraction
  12. Authors: Белоножко Д.Г.

  13. Developing software for mathematical modeling of temperature distribution in the process of electron beam welding
  14. Authors: Тынченко В.С., Курашкин С.О., Рогова Д.В., Шуткина Е.В.

  15. Software for the technological process of electron beam welding of thin-walled products
  16. Authors: Тынченко В.С., Бухтояров В.В., Курашкин С.О., Шуткина Е.В.