Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: computer attack
- Evaluation of the processes of the crucial information system functioning Authors: Круталевич А.Г., Белый А.Ф.
- Problems of network traffic statistics processing to detect intrusion in existing information systems Authors: Ефимов А.Ю.
- Method of generating sets of alternative variants of building subsystems which are a part of a computer attack protection system Authors: Дроботун Е.Б., Угловский Е.П., Замалтдинов И.Ш.
- A methodical approach to forming functional requirements for a computer attacks protection system for automated control systems and its software implementation Authors: Дроботун Е.Б.
- Neural network user behavior analysis for detecting host-level intrusion Authors: Ефимов А.Ю., Зуев В.Н.
- Using the entropy characteristics of network traffic to determine its abnormality Authors: Ефимов А.Ю.
- Network anomalies detection by deep learning Authors: Зуев В.Н.
- Algorithm for segmentation of non-executable files in terms of exploit detection Authors: Архипов А.Н., Кондаков С.Е.