ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: software

  1. Integrity control of input data during automated software analysis
  2. Authors: Поляничко М.А.

  3. Methods reactivate the application
  4. Authors: Удовиченко А.О.

  5. Computer-aided control system design in secured implementation
  6. Authors: Карпов В.В.

  7. Technology creation for managers data support systems development when shipboard damage control
  8. Authors: Москаленко В.А.

  9. Software and algorithms for information processing at resistance thermometers calibration
  10. Authors: Япарова Н.М.

  11. Some technological aspects of creating educational training equipment for Navy commanding officers and specialists
  12. Authors: Ильин В.А., Андреев В.Ю., Базлов А.Ф., Шуванов А.Д.

  13. Database security: problems and prospects
  14. Authors: Полтавцева М.А., Хабаров А.Р.

  15. Intelligent system for automatic identification of text addressee category
  16. Authors: Глазкова А.В.

  17. Software interface design using elements of artificial intelligence
  18. Authors: Зубкова Т.М., Наточая Е.Н.

  19. Design principles of modular software architecture in aviation
  20. Authors: Чижикова Л.А.

  21. An information technology for verifying special software of military automated systems
  22. Authors: Жидков Р.Е., Викторов Д.С., Жидков Е.Н.

  23. On the clarification of the principle of organizing software products quality control
  24. Authors: Тиханычев О.В.

  25. Developing software for automatic control system for aligning semi-finished products
  26. Authors: Калабин А.Л., Тарачков М.В., Толстель О.В.

  27. An architecture of the decision support system for monitoring a technical condition of critical equipment
  28. Authors: Черный С.Г., Емельянов В.А., Емельянова Н.Ю.