Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: image processing
- Authors: Грибков И.В., Захаров А.В., Кольцов П.П., Котович Н.В., Кравченко А.А., Куцаев А.С., Осипов А.С.
- Reconstruction of images via variational principle Authors: Сачков Ю.Л., Ардентов А.А., Касимов В.М., Маштаков А.П.
- The software and algorithms for the analysis of images of microstructures pearlitic of steels Authors: Чичко А.Н., Лихоузов С.Г., Сачек О.А.
- Segmentation of regions of interest based on isolines classification Authors: Сенюкова О.В., Галанин В.Е.
- Interactive bayesian image matting Authors: Синдеев М.С., Конушин В.С.
- Image processing time prediction using determinate methods Authors: Логунова О.С., Мацко И.И., Посохов И.А.
- On an approach to estimation of video-graphical information processing quality Authors: Кольцов П.П.
- Educational distributed control system for a wheeled mobile platform using video and sensor information Authors: Зотин А.Г., Саяпин А.В.
- Visual quality enhancement of images obtained in adverse illumination conditions based on infrared data Authors: Зотин А.Г., Дамов М.В., Пахирка А.И., Савчина Е.И.
- Automated digital processing of images in solving the problem of magnetic defectoscopy Authors: Поляков В.И., Коробейников А.Г., Федосовский М.Е., Алексанин С.А.
- Magnetic resonance imaging data processing methods for cognitive visualization and tracking of zones of interest Authors: Фраленко В.П., Шустова М.В., Хачумов М.В.
- Automatic tracking method of stem cells of the brain by MRI data Authors: Шустова М.В.
- Software complex for detection and classification of natural objects based on topological analysis Authors: Еремеев С.В., Абакумов А.В.
- Automated detection and classification of objects in the traffic flow on satellite images of the city Authors: Тормозов В.С.