Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: a tempering
- Authors: Мадера А.Г., Кандалов П.И.
- The software for simulation of thermal processes in the roll Authors: Ячиков И.М., Егорова Л.Г., Кухта Ю.Б.
- Modelling of three-dimensionnal temperature fields in electronic modules Authors: Мадера А.Г., Кандалов П.И.
- Matrix-topological method for mathematical and computer modeling of temperature fields in electronic modules: programming complex STF-ElectronMod Authors: Мадера А.Г., Кандалов П.И.
- Mathematical modelling of thermal processes in layered structures Authors: Егорова Л.Г., Кухта Ю.Б., Дубский Г.А.
- The analysis of interval stochastic temperature fields of technical systems Authors: Мадера А.Г., Кандалов П.И.
- Simulator programs for temperature fields in flat form products Authors: Марголис Б.И.
- Program for heat conditions identification in flat products Authors: Марголис Б.И.
- Programs for simulating temperature fields in cylindrical products Authors: Марголис Б.И., Мансур Губран Али
- Modeling programs and temperature field identification in sort glassware Authors: Марголис Б.И., Мансур Г.А.