Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: software
- Creation of software system on the basis of spatial object interaction diagram Authors: Прохоров С.А., Куликовских И.М.
- Application of parallel programming package Graphplus templet in modeling Authors: Востокин С.В., Литвинов В.Г., Хайрутдинов А.Р.
- A complex of problem-oriented programs for analysis of micro photo images of nanocomposites texture FRA_VA_T Authors: Мешалкин В.П., Галаев А.Б., Бутусов О.Б.
- Implementation of subjective methods of simulator adequacy probabilistic assessment based on a software system involving experts and questioning trainees Authors: Мартынов Д.В., Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Потапов А.Н., Угловский Е.П.
- The directions of implementation of automated system means for electronic systems development Authors: Мартынов Д.В., Допира Р.В., Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Потапов А.Н., Дикарев В.А.