Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: multi-agent technology
- Contemporary issues of practical use of multiagent systems Authors: Иноземцев С.В., Дмитриев А.Ю.
- Some peculiarities of ontology building for multiagent system of intrashop planning Authors: Андреев М.В.
- Metamonitoring system for high-performance computing environment Authors: Опарин Г.А., Новопашин А.П., Сидоров И.А., Скоров В.В.
- A mediator pattern for sensor networks software Authors: Иващенко А.В., Минаев А.А., Сподобаев М.Ю.
- User interface architecture for interaction with multi-agent environment Authors: Сидоров И.А.
- Multi-agent approximation of social media users’ behavior Authors: Иващенко А.В., Хорина А.А., Диязитдинова А.Р.