Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: fuzzy sets
- Authors: Островский А.А.
- Authors: Круглов В.В., Балашов О.В.
- Fuzzy set approach to classifier combination Authors: Сорокин С.В., Багрова И.А., Пономарев С.А., Сытник Д.А.
- Intelligence plan and management of production systems in geophysical manufacture Authors: Бурдо Г.Б.
- On some issues of the quantitative performance evaluation of edge detectors Authors: Грибков И.В., Захаров А.В., Кольцов П.П., Котович Н.В., Кравченко A.А., Куцаев A.С., Осипов A.С.
- A fuzzy cognitive map as a tool to model innovation at the regional level Authors: Палюх Б.В., Какатунова Т.В.
- Fuzzy inference architecture for soft computing optimizer of knowledge bases Authors: Сорокин С.В., Ульянов С.В., Нефедов Н.Ю., Решетников А.Г.
- Adjustment of the forging capd decision using the fuzzy set theory Authors: Коновалов А.В., Канюков С.И.
- A software system for engineering and technical security assessment of potentially dangerous objects Authors: Боровский А.С.