Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: neural network
- Authors: Корунова Н.В.
- Authors: Воеводин Ю.Ю.
- Authors: Филатова Н.Н., Спиридонов А.В.
- The generic algorithm for choosing the dominant signs for a neural network Authors: Нигматуллина А.Н.
- Management of intellectual resources of projects in the field of nanotechnology Authors: Стоянова О.В., Дли М.И., Васицына А.И.
- Intellectual systems and algorithms of objects management in simulators Authors: Захаров В.Л., Янюшкин В.В.
- Electromechanical systems diagnosis based on neural network technologies Authors: Палюх Б.В., Богатиков В.Н., Шпрехер Д.М.
- Intelligent information system for rolling stock carriage equipment faillures forecasting on railways Authors: Иванова Е.И.
- Intelligent system for automatic identification of text addressee category Authors: Глазкова А.В.
- Object detection algorithm in low image quality photographs Authors: Викторов А.С.
- Decision support system to determine a nosological entity of hepatitis Authors: Дмитриев Г.А., Астафьев А.Н.
- Study of the influence of initialization algorithms of Volterry network weight coefficients on forecast problem solving Authors: Лёзина И.В., Сараева К.В.
- Research on compression of raster images using artificial neural networks Authors: Генов А.А., Осипов В.В., Русаков К.Д., Моисеев А.А.
- Investigation of a combined algorithm for learning three-layer neural networks of different topologies Authors: Чернышев Ю.О., Остроух Е.Н., Евич Л.Н., Маркин С.Д., Панасенко П.А.
- An improved neural network training algorithm Authors: Зуев В.Н., Кемайкин В.К.
- Comparison of neural network models for classifying text fragments containing biographical information Authors: Глазкова А.В.
- Neural network user behavior analysis for detecting host-level intrusion Authors: Ефимов А.Ю., Зуев В.Н.
- The neural network development for evaluating the technical condition of a hydro turbine using vibration monitoring Authors: Клячкин В.Н., Санталов А.А.
- Experimental analysis of the accuracy and performance of varieties of YOLO architectures for computer vision problems Authors: Боков П.А., Кравченя П.Д.
- Network anomalies detection by deep learning Authors: Зуев В.Н.
- A software platform demonstrator for joint use of evidence theory algorithms and neural networks in fuzzy systems Authors: Палюх Б.В., Иванов В.К.
- Aspect extraction from scientific paper texts Authors: Батура Т.В., Бручес Е.П., Маршалова А.Э.
- Informational and algorithmic support of an environmental air monitoring intelligent system based on neural networks Authors: Корнюшко В.Ф., Садеков Л.В., Ярыгин Г.А., Баюкин М.В., Шмакова Е.Г.
- Neural network tool environment for creating adaptive application program interfaces Authors: Зубкова Т.М., Тагирова Л.Ф.
- Intelligent system for analyzing traffic flows in automated traffic control systems Authors: Катасёв А.С., Хусаинов Р.М., Талипов Н.Г., Шалаева Д.В.