Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: matlab
- Automation design of tools using metal extrusion technology modeling Authors: Агапитова О.Ю., Бывальцев С.В., Залазинский А.Г.
- “Parallel Matlab” cloud service Authors: Грибова В.В., Созыкин А.В., Гольдштейн М.Л., Москаленко Ф.М.
- Simulation systems comparative analysis for information processing research in a globally distributed automated information systems Authors: Бондаренко А.А.
- On modeling of electricity nodal prices Authors: Халилов Э.Д.
- Inflight spacecraft safety performance and generating information to prevent high-speed interaction Authors: Палюх Б.В., Катулев А.Н., Ягольников С.В., Храмичев А.А., Зыков И.И.
- Software tools of a wavelet/fractal correlation method for detecting space debris objects Authors: Палюх Б.В., Зыков И.И.
- Flexibility of using input and output parameters of standard and non-standard functions in MatLab Authors: Ревинская О.Г.
- Forecasting the state of a technical object using machine learning methods Authors: Клячкин В.Н., Жуков Д.А.
- The neural network development for evaluating the technical condition of a hydro turbine using vibration monitoring Authors: Клячкин В.Н., Санталов А.А.
- A software package for computer modeling of parametric identification processes for mathematical models of convection-diffusion transfer Authors: Цыганов А.В., Кувшинова А.Н.
- Developing a password generator using GUI MATLAB Authors: Щукарев И.А., Маркова Е.В.
- Applying artificial neural networks in automatic control systems for magnetic levitation Authors: Коробейников А.Г.
- Applying MATLAB in the design of digital filters for selecting Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations Authors: Коробейников А.Г.
- Identifying Pc3 type geomagnetic pulsations from INTERMAGNET data: MATLAB Big Data methods Authors: Коробейников А.Г.