Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: simulator
- Authors: Григорьев И.А.
- Distributed allocated information space and portal of modern simulator Authors: Янюшкин В.В.
- Problems of modelling operator actions in modern simulator Authors: Ситалов Д.С.
- Optimization model solution inverse task Of modelling avatar movement in the operating space Authors: Ситалов Д.С.
- Intellectual systems and algorithms of objects management in simulators Authors: Захаров В.Л., Янюшкин В.В.
- Trainer creation for radio-technical troops subdivisions Authors: Арепин Ю.И., Момот Н.Б., Долгий В.А., Коваленко А.И.
- Development of the automation equipment model of formation of the scenario of air opponent actions for the ships air defence simulator
- Development of the training information model of training computer workstation of Navy tactical simulator Authors: Карпов А.А.
- Basics of development and creation of integrated educational and training complexes for equipping dynamic objects management training centers Authors: Янюшкин В.В., Шукшунов В.Е.
- Virtual reality systems in damage control training of personnel Authors: Чуланов А.О., Бондарь Е.М., Радченко В.М., Федоров Н.А., Лещина А.Е.
- Some technological aspects of creating educational training equipment for Navy commanding officers and specialists Authors: Ильин В.А., Андреев В.Ю., Базлов А.Ф., Шуванов А.Д.
- A simulator training system for modeling a virtual reality with combat employment of weapons and ship equipment Authors: Лосев Е.Ф., Кузнецов И.В.
- A software suite to analyze cause-effect factors of a conflict of ergotechnical radio-electronic equipment simulators Authors: Мартынов Д.В., Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Талалаев А.Б., Потапов А.Н.
- 3D objects rendering using clustered shading Authors: Мамросенко К.А., Гиацинтов А.М.
- High resolution video playback in virtual 3d environment in training simulation systems Authors: Мамросенко К.А., Гиацинтов А.М.
- The concept of development a training aids complex for assimilation of weaponry, military and special equipment Authors: Халин А.Ф.
- High-level architecture of training simulation systems of complex technical systems Authors: Гиацинтов А.М., Родителев А.В.
- Method of testing the training models for the adequacy Authors: Ильин В.А., Кирюшов Н.П.
- The quality control of training equipment Authors: Ильин В.А., Пахомов Е.С.
- The performance evaluation of simulator training by the method of target management Authors: Ильин В.А., Савватеев А.С.