ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: simulator

  1. Authors: Григорьев И.А.

  2. Distributed allocated information space and portal of modern simulator
  3. Authors: Янюшкин В.В.

  4. Problems of modelling operator actions in modern simulator
  5. Authors: Ситалов Д.С.

  6. Optimization model solution inverse task Of modelling avatar movement in the operating space
  7. Authors: Ситалов Д.С.

  8. Intellectual systems and algorithms of objects management in simulators
  9. Authors: Захаров В.Л., Янюшкин В.В.

  10. Trainer creation for radio-technical troops subdivisions
  11. Authors: Арепин Ю.И., Момот Н.Б., Долгий В.А., Коваленко А.И.

  12. Development of the automation equipment model of formation of the scenario of air opponent actions for the ships air defence simulator
  13. Development of the training information model of training computer workstation of Navy tactical simulator
  14. Authors: Карпов А.А.

  15. Basics of development and creation of integrated educational and training complexes for equipping dynamic objects management training centers
  16. Authors: Янюшкин В.В., Шукшунов В.Е.

  17. Virtual reality systems in damage control training of personnel
  18. Authors: Чуланов А.О., Бондарь Е.М., Радченко В.М., Федоров Н.А., Лещина А.Е.

  19. Some technological aspects of creating educational training equipment for Navy commanding officers and specialists
  20. Authors: Ильин В.А., Андреев В.Ю., Базлов А.Ф., Шуванов А.Д.

  21. A simulator training system for modeling a virtual reality with combat employment of weapons and ship equipment
  22. Authors: Лосев Е.Ф., Кузнецов И.В.

  23. A software suite to analyze cause-effect factors of a conflict of ergotechnical radio-electronic equipment simulators
  24. Authors: Мартынов Д.В., Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Талалаев А.Б., Потапов А.Н.

  25. 3D objects rendering using clustered shading
  26. Authors: Мамросенко К.А., Гиацинтов А.М.

  27. High resolution video playback in virtual 3d environment in training simulation systems
  28. Authors: Мамросенко К.А., Гиацинтов А.М.

  29. The concept of development a training aids complex for assimilation of weaponry, military and special equipment
  30. Authors: Халин А.Ф.

  31. High-level architecture of training simulation systems of complex technical systems
  32. Authors: Гиацинтов А.М., Родителев А.В.

  33. Method of testing the training models for the adequacy
  34. Authors: Ильин В.А., Кирюшов Н.П.

  35. The quality control of training equipment
  36. Authors: Ильин В.А., Пахомов Е.С.

  37. The performance evaluation of simulator training by the method of target management
  38. Authors: Ильин В.А., Савватеев А.С.