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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: system on a chip
- High-performance microprocessor 1890ВМ118 for trusted computing systems Authors: Бобков С.Г., Аряшев С.И., Зубковский П.С., Морев С.А., Рогаткин Б.Ю.
- Developing USB 2.0 device based on dual-core system on a chip К1867ВЦ3АФ Authors: Конарев М.В., Макеев С.Н.
- The problem of creating high temperature computing systems Authors: Бобков С.Г.
- A fault injector to test the SoC-processor to single event upsets Authors: Чекмарёв С.А.