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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: intelligent control system
- Intelligent control of a robot manipulator based on soft computing Authors: Ульянов С.В., Николаева А.В.
- Intelligent control system of a 7 degrees of freedom robot-manipulator based on soft computing Authors: Ульянов С.В., Николаева А.В., Бархатова И.А., Ноздрачев А.В.
- Quantum computing in intelligent robust control system design for 7 degrees of freedom redundant robot-manipulator Authors: Ульянов С.В., Николаева А.В., Бархатова И.А.
- Нybrid cognitive fuzzy control systems for an autonomous robot based on neurointerface and soft computing Authors: Ульянов С.В., Решетников А.Г., Мамаева А.А.
- Mathematical models of rheograms of states in Table Curve 2d/3d programs as a basis of the intelligent system for managing structuring processes of multicomponent elastomer composites Authors: Кузнецов А.С., Корнюшко В.Ф.