Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
09 September 2024
Keyword: technological process
- Authors: Калабин А.Л., Керницкий А.В., Пакшвер Э.А.
- Making a knowledge model of technologies by means of discriminant algorithms Authors: Пименов В.И.
- Working out of the automated system operatively-scheduling in pilot production Authors: Ларин С.Н., Козырев С.А.
- Simulation software for modeling dimensional structure of technological processes Authors: Палюх Б.В., Бурдо Г.Б., Рогозин Г.И.
- Complex automation system of process planning Authors: Байбаков С.В.
- Practical realisation of researches in the field of optimisation of technological processes Authors: Ларин С.Н.
- Intelligence software of technological processes design Authors: Бурдо Г.Б.
- Intelligence plan and management of production systems in geophysical manufacture Authors: Бурдо Г.Б.
- Workflow with flexible transitions of stellar type Authors: Вышенский С.В., Дубенская Ю.Ю.
- Implementation method for interactive monitoring systems based on flexible workflows Authors: Вышенский С.В., Дубенская Ю.Ю., Григорьев П.В.
- Design paradigm and interface in hybrid forgings Cad Authors: Коновалов А.В., Арзамасцев С.В., Гагарин П.Ю.
- Expert system for monitoring of technological processes Authors: Калабин А.Л., Пакшвер Э.А., Козлов А.В., Буров А.Н.
- Lingware of computer-aided design system for a shaft press forging process Authors: Коновалов А.В., Муйземнек О.Ю., Курённов Д.В., Партин А.С., Канюков С.И.
- The software module of the automated design for the crimping hollow cylindrical parts process Authors: Кузьмин А.В., Сердюк А.И., Сергеев А.И., Овечкин М.В., Щеголев А.В., Иванюк М.В.
- The intelligent approach to automation of technological and production processes Authors: Рябов С.Ю., Рябов Ю.В.
- The analysis model and prediction of technological parameters for the process of electron beam welding Authors: Тынченко В.С., Петренко В.Е., Курашкин С.О., Головенок И.А.
- A software platform demonstrator for joint use of evidence theory algorithms and neural networks in fuzzy systems Authors: Палюх Б.В., Иванов В.К.
- Developing software for mathematical modeling of temperature distribution in the process of electron beam welding Authors: Тынченко В.С., Курашкин С.О., Рогова Д.В., Шуткина Е.В.
- Software for the technological process of electron beam welding of thin-walled products Authors: Тынченко В.С., Бухтояров В.В., Курашкин С.О., Шуткина Е.В.