Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: Internet of things
- The architecture of a smart home management system integrated into the сloud environment Authors: Николаев П.Л.
- A mediator pattern for sensor networks software Authors: Иващенко А.В., Минаев А.А., Сподобаев М.Ю.
- Continuous execution of system dynamics models on input data stream Authors: Перл И.А., Петрова М.М., Мулюкин А.А., Каленова О.В.
- A set-theoretic model of a functional approach to intellectualization of building and construction management processes Authors: Душкин Р.В.
- Smart data collection from distributed data sources Authors: Ефимова М.С.
- Architecture of predictive maintenance system of complex multi-object systems in Industry 4.0 concept Authors: Щербаков М.В., Сай Ван Квонг