Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: optimisation
- Authors: Затонский А.В.
- Authors: Нечаев П.Д.
- Authors: Белопушкин В.И., Бондаренко И.С.
- Authors: Сотников А.Н.
- Authors: Иванов Л.Н., Мезенцев Ю.А.
- Authors: Потапов И.В.
- Authors: Мкртумов А.С.
- Authors: Синюк В.Г., Акопов В.Н.
- Authors: Клюшин Ю.Ф., Павлов И.И., Рощин Е.А.
- Authors: Ковалев И.В., Царев Р.Ю., Ежеманская С.Н., Прокопенко А.В., Гражданцев Е.В.
- Optimisation of certified tests 0lectronics products of the foreign manufacture Authors: Ершов Л.А., Левин Р.Г., Бабенко В.А., Уханов А.В.
- Cad for automated cost-effective plant layout design Authors: Мешалкин В.П., Образцов А.А., Панченко С.В.
- Usage grid-technologies for video surveillance data storage system Authors: Ососков Г.А., Нечаевский А.В.
- Building and optimizing production program of separation plant Authors: Хлытчиев О.И., Шелманов А.О.
- Program realization of procedure of Richards for synthesis of non-uniform lines Authors: Аверкин В.Н., Бердышев Р.В., Кордюков Р.Ю., Куликов А.В.
- The numerical optimization of the controller tuning in respect with oscillation Authors: Затонский А.В.
- Program complex to modeling of fluidized bed coating process Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Маковская Ю.В., Голомидов Е.С., Гордиенко М.Г.
- Optimization of placing of trajectory measurements means by genetic algorithms Authors: Ковалев А.А.
- Software system restructuring of electricity companies Authors: Горячёв В.А.
- The method of innovation activity planning Authors: Гейда А.С., Лысенко И.В., Птушкин А.И., Седлов Е.В.
- Program choice of technological regimes of discrete-continuous casting of non-ferrous metals and their al-loys Authors: Жиганов Н.К., Фомина Е.Е.
- Optimization algorithms of continuous lactic acid biosynthesis Authors: Ивашкин Ю.А., Гордеев Л.С., Гордеева Ю.Л.
- Processes optimization in supercritical reactor Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Каталевич А.М., Лебедев А.Е., Малинина В.В.
- An algorithm of complex power system optimization with the use of generalized similarity criteria Authors: Кавченков В.П., Солопов Р.В.
- Mathematical formulation of one-criterion optimization problem of crew actions scheduling on Russian segment of the International space station Authors: Орловский Н.М., Воробьев С.П.
- Cooperative biologically inspired algorithm for unconstrained optimization Authors: Семенкин Е.С., Ахмедова Ш.А.
- Performance investigation of self-configuring genetic algorithm for spacecrafts' control systems effective variant choice Authors: Семенкин Е.С., Семёнкина М.Е., Попов Е.А.
- Creating a multi-model system to make optimal management decisions in the company Authors: Беляева М.А., Бурляева О.К., Сырова И.В.
- EaaS model based approach to cloud services provision Authors: Заложнев А.Ю., Чистов Д.В., Шуремов Е.Л.
- Linear solution for quadratic programming problems Authors: Татаренко С.И.
- Tool environments for production optimization and planning based on evolutionary metaheuristics Authors: Афонин П.В., Маликова А.А., Сашилина К.С.
- An approach to modeling of parameters optimization for satellite system elliptical orbits Authors: Доронкина А.Н.
- Creation of automated control system for unmanned spaceflights in near-earth space Authors: Арепин Ю.И., Доронкина А.Н.
- Representativeness of Intel Sandy Bridge performance counters based metrics for memory access latency analysis Authors: Иванов Е.Ю., Косяков М.С.
- The approach to modeling, scaling-up and optimization of bioreactors based on computational fluid dynamics Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Гусева Е.В., Сафаров Р.Р., Будран Ж.
- Bee colony optimization algorithm for wireless network planning problem solving Authors: Скаков Е.С., Малыш В.Н.
- A homogeneous distribution problem based on ant colony adaptive behavioor models Authors: Лебедев Б.К., Лебедев О.Б., Лебедева Е.М.
- Optimum entropy clustering in information systems Authors: Аскерова Б.Г.
- Application of a tree search algorithm and a annealing simulated method in optimization of heat network configuration and structure Authors: Стенников В.А., Чемезов А.А.
- Vectorization of the three-dimensional immersed boundary method for improving the efficiency of calculations on Intel microprocessors Authors: Рыбаков А.А., Мещеряков А.О.
- An integer programming solution: Iterative rounding of coordinates Authors: Матвеев Ю.Н., Иванов А.В.
- Computer modeling of steel chemical composition to optimize steel production by combining heats Authors: Ершов Е.В., Карачунов А.Г.
- Fuzzy clustering for improving control efficiency in automatic systems Authors: Игнатьева А.С.