Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: time series
- Authors: Комиссарчик В.Ф., Зуев В.Н., Киселев А.Н.
- Neural network model for financial data forecasting Authors: Кратович П.В.
- Neural networks and ARIMA models for stock series forecasting Authors: Кратович П.В.
- The problem of detecting anomalies in sets of time series Authors: Антипов С.Г., Фомина М.В.
- Complex of the programs and algorithm of calculation of the fractal dimensions and a linear trend of the time series Authors: Цветков И.В., Крылова О.И.
- Early warning system of drinking water quality parameters violation Authors: Бубырь Д.С.
- Adequate interdisciplinary models in forecasting time series of statistical data Authors: Пранов Б.М.
- Local trends for time series pre-preparation in forecasting problems Authors: Белявский Г.И., Пучков Е.В.
- Forecasting time series of infectious morbidity Authors: Тарасова С.А.
- An intelligent approach to online reporting and short-term forecasting of time series Authors: Тормозов В.С., Золкин А.Л., Менциев А.У.