Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: Kalman filter
- Authors: Трояновский Я., Арефьев И.Б.
- Neural-fuzzy method for reducing the sensitivity of inverse problems to the variation data Authors: Абраменкова И.В., Пучков А.Ю., Павлов Д.А.
- Variants constructions of algorithm search solution of inverse problems using neural networks Authors: Пучков А.Ю., Павлов Д.А.
- Kalman fuzzy filter in the structure of the algorithm solving inverse problems for economic objects Authors: Павлов Д.А.
- Kalman filter as a method of secondary processing of GLONASS system information Authors: Решетников В.Н., Болодурина И.П., Нугуманова А.А.
- Interval differential equations in kalman fuzzy filter structure in complex technological object management Authors: Дли М.И., Пучков А.Ю.
- Predicting an object state based on applying the Kalman filter and deep neural networks Authors: Дли М.И., Пучков А.Ю., Лобанева Е.И., Василькова М.А.
- Real-time recognition and tracking of road surface defects based on complex using of standard computational procedures and deep neural networks Authors: Темкин И.О., Антонов М.О.