Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: infosecurity
- Authors: Гулиев Я.И.
- Web-server information security improvement with techniques of protection from investigation Authors: Семенкин Е.С., Стюгин М.А.
- Analysis of grid-systems information security architectural aspects Authors: Галатенко В.А.
- Method of construction the security model of automated systems Authors: Жуков В.Г., Жукова М.Н., Стефаров А.П.
- Vulnerability of web content protection of type HTML Guardian Authors: Ермаков Д.Г.
- Functional comparison of complex information security systems Authors: Стюгин М.А.
- Algorithms and technologies provide information safety in medical information system ExterNET Authors: Карабаев М.К., Абдуманонов А.А.
- Information security systems technique secured from researching Authors: Стюгин М.А.
- A model of the information security events choice based on fuzzy automata Authors: Борисов В.В., Гончаров М.М.
- The internet, gene pool, genome Authors: Осовецкий Л.Г.
- Development of access control model for the standard medical information system Authors: Оленников А.А., Оленников Е.А., Захаров А.А., Широких А.В., Варнавский В.В.
- Database security: problems and prospects Authors: Полтавцева М.А., Хабаров А.Р.
- Synthesis of protection systems of automated control systems against destroying program influence Authors: Дроботун Е.Б.
- Method of generating sets of alternative variants of building subsystems which are a part of a computer attack protection system Authors: Дроботун Е.Б., Угловский Е.П., Замалтдинов И.Ш.
- A system and legal model of information security (data protection) Authors: Голубчиков С.В., Новиков В.К., Баранова А.В.
- An automated system of information accessibility protecting from attacks by unauthorized traffic in UNIX-like systems Authors: Пальчевский Е.В., Халиков А.Р.
- The effectiveness of stage-by-stage use of securirty means crossing threat detection areas Authors: Коломойцев В.С., Богатырев В.А.
- An algorithm of information security residual risk assessment taking into account a protection mechanisms separation by types Authors: Дерендяев Д.А., Гатчин Ю.А., Безруков В.А.
- Web-robot detection method based on user’s navigation graph Authors: Гатчин Ю.А., Менщиков А.А.
- Development of a spiking neural network with the possibility of high-speed training to neutralize DDoS attacks Authors: Христодуло О.И., Пальчевский Е.В.
- Development of a geoinformation systems protecting method and spatial data based on a neural network Authors: Татарникова Т.М., Степанов С.Ю., Петров Я.А., Сидоренко А.Ю.
- Ontology processing in attributive access control in cyber-physical systems Authors: Полтавцева М.А.
- A software package prototype for analyzing user accounts in social networks: Django web framework Authors: Олисеенко В.Д., Абрамов М.В., Тулупьев А.Л., Иванов К.А.
- Developing a password generator using GUI MATLAB Authors: Щукарев И.А., Маркова Е.В.
- DIY DDoS Protection: operational development and implementation of the service in the National Research Computer Network of Russia Authors: Абрамов А.Г.
- Developing a software tool for constructing a social graph of a social network user in the task of analyzing its security from multi-pass social engineering attacks Authors: Абрамов М.В., Хлобыстова А.О., Сазанов В.А.
- USB connections control in the local network of computers running under Astra Linux SE Authors: Баранов А.В., Корепанов П.М., Лепешев И.А.
- Information security of a supercomputer center Authors: Баранов А.В., Корепанов П.М., Кузнецов Е.Е.
- Scenario of an attack on an automated process control system taking into account Modbus TCP protocol vulnerability Authors: Конев А.А., Репкин В.С., Цимбалов К.И.