Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: deep learning
- Network anomalies detection by deep learning Authors: Зуев В.Н.
- Adaptive block-term tensor decomposition in visual question answering systems Authors: Андреев В.В., Фаворская М.Н.
- The access control system development based on face recognition Authors: Антипова С.А.
- Forecasting technological trends based on the heterogeneous data analysis Authors: Кравец А.Г., Нгуен Тхань Вьет
- T5 language models for text simplification Authors: Васильев Д.Д., Пятаева А.В.
- Organization of adaptive data routing in electric power complexes using ontological fuzzy classifiers Authors: Федулов А.С., Лазарев А.И.
- Applying deep learning in brain-computer interfaces for motion recognition Authors: Павленко Д.В., Татарис Ш.Э., Овчаренко В.В.