ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: render

  1. Authors: Емельянова Ю.Г.

  2. Authors: Виноградов Г.П., Мальков А.А.

  3. System for models of the material reconstruction from images
  4. Authors: Ильин А.А., Игнатенко А.В.

  5. Using toroidal copy, for incremental tecture update
  6. Authors: Шустиков Д.А.

  7. Geographical information systems based on subdefinite computations method
  8. Authors: Смирнов И.Е.

  9. Templet – method of process oriented simulation of parallelism
  10. Authors: Востокин С.В.

  11. Interactive Data Language application for radiometric systems data processing
  12. Authors: Скрипачев В.О., Полушковский Ю.А., Стрельцов А.М.

  13. Rear-projection method in visualization subsystem of training simulation system
  14. Authors: Мамросенко К.А., Гиацинтов А.М.

  15. Real-time particle system realization on GPU
  16. Authors: Мальцев А.В.

  17. Hardware-software package for diagnostics of ionospheric condition according to characteristics of vlf transmitters
  18. Authors: Скрипачев В.О., Полушковский Ю.А., Назаренко А.С.

  19. Terrain modelling in simulation training systems
  20. Authors: Решетников В.Н., Мамросенко К.А.

  21. Textured planet model visualization system for space experiments simulation
  22. Authors: Тимохин П.Ю.

  23. Earth's surface visualization in simulation systems
  24. Authors: Мамросенко К.А., Гиацинтов А.М., Баженов П.С.

  25. Approaches to providing data visualization on devices using modern real time operating systems
  26. Authors: Мамросенко К.А., Гиацинтов А.М., Баженов П.С.

  27. Structuring natural text entities using neural networks for generating 3D-scenes
  28. Authors: Козар Б.А., Кугуракова В.В., Сахибгареева Г.Ф.

  29. Modifying the algorithm for frontal modeling of accidental release consequences based on the empirical and statistical approach
  30. Authors: Матвеев Ю.Н., Чернышев Л.О.