ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: knowledge base

  1. Authors: Клещев А.С., Смагин С.В.

  2. Authors: Щуревич Е.В.

  3. Making a knowledge model of technologies by means of discriminant algorithms
  4. Authors: Пименов В.И.

  5. A component-based approach: rule-based expert system module
  6. Authors: Николайчук О.А., Павлов А.И., Юрин А.Ю.

  7. The knowledge base of the information security audit expert system
  8. Authors: Коробулина О.Ю.

  9. Fuzzy neural network system Of production dependences discovery in databases
  10. Authors: Катасёв А.С., Ахатова Ч.Ф.

  11. About a method of knowledge representation
  12. Authors: Бронфельд Г.Б.

  13. Knowledge base editor for CLIPS
  14. Authors: Юрин А.Ю., Грищенко М.А.

  15. Using ontologies in ships operation tasks
  16. Authors: Козырев И.В.

  17. Intelligent control of a robot manipulator based on soft computing
  18. Authors: Ульянов С.В., Николаева А.В.

  19. Robust intelligent control based on quantum computing technology
  20. Authors: Ульянов С.В., Решетников А.Г., Керимов Т.А.

  21. The interpreter of descriptions of expert systems for psychological and physiological diagnostics
  22. Authors: Ермаков А.Е., Найденова К.А.

  23. Intelligent robust control of a robot manipulator based on quantum soft computing
  24. Authors: Ульянов С.В., Николаева А.В.

  25. A Web-service for knowledge base generation on the basis of conceptual models
  26. Authors: Юрин А.Ю., Дородных Н.О.

  27. Fuzzy sliding mode control system of unstable dynamic system cart-pole based on soft computing
  28. Authors: Ульянов С.В., Нефедов Н.Ю.

  29. A problem-oriented editor for design of rule-based knowledge bases
  30. Authors: Николайчук О.А., Берман А.Ф., Юрин А.Ю., Грищенко М.А.

  31. Web-oriented component of an expert system
  32. Authors: Николайчук О.А., Павлов А.И., Коршунов С.А.

  33. Logical analysis of corrective operations to construct high-quality recognition algorithm
  34. Authors: Лютикова Л.А., Шматова Е.В.

  35. Software interface design using elements of artificial intelligence
  36. Authors: Зубкова Т.М., Наточая Е.Н.

  37. Using concept maps for rule-based knowledge bases engineering
  38. Authors: Юрин А.Ю., Дородных Н.О.

  39. Development of an educational course ontological model for distance learning systems
  40. Authors: Зеленко Л.С., Шумская Е.А.

  41. Application of a knowledge representation productional model to assess compliance of an applicant training level to requirements of a position in IT department
  42. Authors: Зубкова Т.М., Тагирова Л.Ф., Тагиров В.К.

  43. Support tools for modeling logical rules in the RVML notation
  44. Authors: Юрин А.Ю., Дородных Н.О., Коршунов С.А.

  45. Formation of a safety barrier for a spacecraft under spaсe debris impact using fuzzy logic methods
  46. Authors: Кемайкин В.К., Кожухин И.В.

  47. Design automation of adaptive user interfaces with elements of artificial intelligence
  48. Authors: Зубкова Т.М., Тагирова Л.Ф., Тагиров В.К.

  49. Agent-based models, methods and tools for the development of compatible problem-solvers for intelligent systems
  50. Authors: Шункевич Д.В., Голенков В.В.

  51. Semantic models and the method of coordinated development of knowledge bases
  52. Authors: Гулякина Н.А., Давыденко И.Т.

  53. Issues of construction and application of knowledge basis in designing and production of innovative objects
  54. Authors: Сольницев Р.И., Коршунов Г.И., До Суан Чо, До Хай Куан

  55. Using decision tables transformations when creating the «Detector» intelligent software module for web applications
  56. Authors: Юрин А.Ю.

  57. The software for the subsystem of quality control of manufactured products using intelligent algorithms
  58. Authors: Гришин Е.С.

  59. Fundamentals of modeling a decision support system for the integrated use of surface ship air defense forces and assets
  60. Authors: Шустова Н.А., Степанов В.В.

  61. The environment status analysis and the issues of emission neutralization in China on the example of the Beijing area
  62. Authors: Сольницев Р.И., Лэй Ван, Кузьмин С.А., Куприянов Г.А.

  63. Software implementation of algorithms for electrical equipment diagnostics (by the example of harmonic oscillation analysis)
  64. Authors: Колоденкова А.Е., Верещагина С.С.

  65. Software implementation of algorithms for knowledge base prototyping with visual modelling and transformations
  66. Authors: Юрин А.Ю., Дородных Н.О.

  67. Dynamic generation of a user interface for a medical mobile application based on an ontological approach
  68. Authors: Грибова В.В., Москаленко Ф.М., Шалфеева Е.А., Лифшиц А.Я., Шевченко Н.Е.

  69. Temporal database in intelligent real-time decision support systems: The case of a university educational process
  70. Authors: Еремеев А.П., Панявин Н.А., Маренков М.А.