Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
13 December 2024
Keyword: mathematical and computer modeling
- Authors: Позднеев А.В.
- Modelling of three-dimensionnal temperature fields in electronic modules Authors: Мадера А.Г., Кандалов П.И.
- System of support of decision-making on management of information resources Authors: Абраменкова И.В., Стоянова О.В., Дли М.И., Зайцев О.В.
- Realization of the competition models in the software Authors: Степанов Л.В.
- Vector-matrix model of budget management Authors: Власова Е.А., Каратуева Н.А.
- Software for support of modeling of medical ecological economical systems Authors: Павлов А.И., Столбов А.Б.
- Mathematical modeling of radio transparent covering as multilayered dielectric media Authors: Аверкин В.Н., Бердышев Р.В., Кордюков Р.Ю., Куликов А.В.
- Program complex to modeling of fluidized bed coating process Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Маковская Ю.В., Голомидов Е.С., Гордиенко М.Г.
- Basic design of training systems for difficult technical complexes Authors: Решетников В.Н., Мамросенко К.А.
- Software for support of decision making to structure Of physicochemical systems’ models Authors: Коныгин С.Б.
- Method of decision-making support on management of temporary aspects of projects at the industrial enterprises Authors: Стоянова О.В., Васицына А.И.
- Software and algorithms of modeling of nonlinear dynamics by Volterra polynomials Authors: Солодуша С.В.
- Matrix-topological method for mathematical and computer modeling of temperature fields in electronic modules: programming complex STF-ElectronMod Authors: Мадера А.Г., Кандалов П.И.
- Processes optimization in supercritical reactor Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Каталевич А.М., Лебедев А.Е., Малинина В.В.
- Program complex to predict of the solubility in supercritical fluids Authors: Меньшутина Н.В., Гуриков П.А., Батин С.Э.
- Code refactoring. Basic approaches Authors: Калабин А.Л., Грязнов Е.Н.
- The regulatory base to design aerospace training systems Authors: Мамросенко К.А.
- Software and algorithms for information processing at resistance thermometers calibration Authors: Япарова Н.М.
- Development of mathematical models and cae for process control of continuous casting of non-ferrous metals Authors: Жиганов Н.К., Фомина Е.Е., Вольнов И.Н.
- A software suite to analyze cause-effect factors of a conflict of ergotechnical radio-electronic equipment simulators Authors: Мартынов Д.В., Абу-Абед Ф.Н., Талалаев А.Б., Потапов А.Н.
- Typical functions of flight simulation device instructor station software Authors: Чижикова Л.А.
- Software modeling of stochastic temperature fields in stf-electron mod technical systems Authors: Кандалов П.И.
- Single screw extruder engineering with artificial intelligence elements Authors: Зубкова Т.М., Мустюков Н.А., Токарева М.А.
- Forecasting in dynamic system control Authors: Тиханычев О.В.
- Design principles of modular software architecture in aviation Authors: Чижикова Л.А.
- A mathematical model of vacuum freeze-dryer with uneven vapor distribution over the chamber volume Authors: Гордиенко М.Г., Мохова Е.К.
- A software package for simulating a silicon hydrochlorination reactor Authors: Чистякова Т.Б., Глушков И.В., Аверина Ю.М.
- Designing a decarbonising closed-loop Nature–Technology control system Authors: Сольницев Р.И., Коршунов Г.И., Лэй Ван
- Modeling biotechnological processes using a mathematical apparatus of artificial neural networks Authors: Гусева Е.В., Дударов С.П., Макляев И.В., Леметюйнен Ю.А., Кареткин Б.А., Евдокимова С.А.
- Developing predictive analytics models for industrial equipment failures Authors: Савицкая Т.В., Чернухин А.В., Богданова Е.А.