Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: information
- Authors: Извозчикова В.В., Огородников П.И.
- Adoption method of computation the parameters of electrical circuitfor estimation the security of transfer information path Authors: Спивак А.И.
- Use of an electronic portfolio with reference to the faculty Authors: Андреев В.В., Герова Н.В.
- Clustering of atomic knowledge using methods of linear optimization Authors: Галеев А.Х.
- A method for a product technical level assessment based on reclamations monitoring in the prodaction quality management system Authors: Арефьев И.Б., Клавдиев А.А., Воловик А.В.
- Development of an information processing prototype in respect of its cost Authors: Скрипачев В.О., Чулкин М.О.
- Some technological aspects of creating educational training equipment for Navy commanding officers and specialists Authors: Ильин В.А., Андреев В.Ю., Базлов А.Ф., Шуванов А.Д.
- A system and legal model of information security (data protection) Authors: Голубчиков С.В., Новиков В.К., Баранова А.В.
- The development of a remote client for automated data transfer in UNIX-based systems Authors: Пальчевский Е.В., Халиков А.Р.
- Developing a self-learning method for a spiking neural network to protect against DDoS attacks Authors: Христодуло О.И., Пальчевский Е.В.
- Development of a spiking neural network with the possibility of high-speed training to neutralize DDoS attacks Authors: Христодуло О.И., Пальчевский Е.В.
- Improving the information technology for automating Navy ships technical readiness monitoring Authors: Зальмарсон А.Ф., Елецкий М.И., Захарьев А.А.