Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: cluster analysis
- Estimation of results of clusterization at usage of various criteria of quality Authors: Киреев В.С.
- On distance metric for the system of automatic classification of the eee devices by production batches Authors: Казаковцев Л.А., Ступина А.А., Орлов В.И.
- Estimation of advanced characteristics of airoplanes using cluster analysis Authors: Вестяк В.А., Малашкин А.В., Малашкин А.А.
- Forecasting technological trends based on the heterogeneous data analysis Authors: Кравец А.Г., Нгуен Тхань Вьет
- Computer modeling for intelligent evaluation of dynamic interaction of solids Authors: Филатова Н.Н., Мешков В.В., Федосов Ю.А.