Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: testing
- Interactive knowledge estimating model and algorithms Authors: Александрова Л.А., Тумбинская М.В.
- Program for automated verification of databases integrity constraints Authors: Хомоненко А.Д., Глухарев М.Л., Косаренко А.П.
- Integrity control of input data during automated software analysis Authors: Поляничко М.А.
- Improvement of debugging and testing increase performance techniques in multiprocessor systems Authors: Лавринов Г.А.
- Peculiarities of data sets testing in the z/OS operating system Authors: Бартеньев О.В., Клюев С.В.
- Methods of multiprocessor system initializations Authors: Лавринов Г.А.
- An approach to software testing management system development Authors: Корнюшко В.Ф., Костров А.В., Породникова П.А.
- KLEE for automatic testing programs in C/C++ Authors: Зыков А.Г., Кочетков И.В., Поляков В.И.
- Comparison of russian and foreign microprocessor performance Authors: Годунов А.Н., Байков Н.Д.
- Program synthesizing based on a graph-analytic model description Authors: Зыков А.Г., Кочетков И.В., Поляков В.И., Чистиков Е.Г.
- Optimization of the control initialization periodicity based on duplicated computing Authors: Богатырев В.А., Лисичкин Д.Э.
- Domain-specific languages for testing web applications Authors: Федоренков В.Г., Балакшин П.В.