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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: data-processing centre
- Distributed allocated information space and portal of modern simulator Authors: Янюшкин В.В.
- Basics of development and creation of integrated educational and training complexes for equipping dynamic objects management training centers Authors: Янюшкин В.В., Шукшунов В.Е.
- Using virtualization technologies of computing and graphics servers when designing complex simulators and operator training systems Authors: Янюшкин В.В.
- The analysis of an IT infrastructure of the astronaut training open automation system to create an integrated simulation complex Authors: Янюшкин В.В., Ковригин С.Н.
- Special features of data-processing center and space center upgrade Authors: Снытко А.С., Терников А.А.
- Automated data processing system in UNIX-like systems Authors: Пальчевский Е.В., Халиков А.Р.
- Evolution and features of hyperconverged infrastructures Authors: Лисецкий Ю.М.