Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Vinogradov G.P.
Ph.D (
Tver State Technical University
Author in:
- Model of decision-making by the intellectual agent
- Mechanisms of evolution of organizational process systems Co-authors: Palyukh B.V.
- Model of weakly goal-setting in a structured environment Co-authors: Kuznetsov V.N., Богатикова В.Н.
- Human behavior simulation based on the subjective view of choice situation
- Decision-making in high-tech products production systems Co-authors: Burdo G.B., Isaev A.A.
- Formation of agent’s representations of the domain in a situation of choice Co-authors: Shmatov G.P., Borzov D.A.
- Decision assessment principles in the automated system of engineering product quality control Co-authors: Semenov N.A., Burdo G.B., Sorokin A.Yu.
- Ontologies in the problems of building a concept domain model Co-authors: A.A. Prokhorov
- Building a specialist’s knowledge model in the digital economy Co-authors: N.G. Vinogradova, D.A. Shapel
- Approach to designing software for artificial entity management systems Co-authors: Konukhov I.А., Shepelev G.А.
- Mental models in designing the behavior of artificial objects
- Algorithms for smart node patterns in a wireless sensor network Co-authors: Emtsev А.S., Fedotov I.S.
- Process control algorithms in responsive sensory networks in object protection problems