Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Shabanov, B.M.
Ph.D (
Corresponding Member of the RAS, Director
Joint Supercomputer Center of RAS
Author in:
- Engineering and scientific manpower development for supercomputer technologies Co-authors: A.N. Sotnikov, Savin, G.I.
- Identity federation of the research and educational networks Co-authors: Ovsyannikov, A.P., Savin, G.I.
- Choosing computational system for scientific problems
- On an interuniversity quantum network project Co-authors: Ovsyannikov, A.P.
- Accelerating criterion function calculation in an omnidirectional antenna placement problem Co-authors: P.N. Telegin, Aye Min Thike, Lupin, S.A.
- Computing cluster performance expectations when selecting a parallel file system Co-authors: Aladyshev, O.S., Zakharchenko, A.V., Ogaryshev, V.F.
- Increasing the PC computing power: Integration with a distributed smartphone system Co-authors: P.N. Telegin, Lupin, S.A., Balabaev, S.A.