Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Borisov V.V.
Ph.D (
Smolensk Branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute
Author in:
- Building method of fuzzy semi-markov model of complex system functioning Co-authors: Бояринов Ю.Г., Dli M.I., Мищенко В.И.
- A model of the information security events choice based on fuzzy automata Co-authors: Goncharov M.M.
- Approximate reasoning based on temporal fuzzy Bayesian belief networks Co-authors: Zakharov A.S.
- Method and software for intellectual support of making logistics decisions Co-authors: A.V. Ryazanov
- Software complex SkillsForYou for the IT specialists training management Co-authors: S.P. Yanukovich, T.V. Mrochek , D.S. Orekhovsky
- Recurrent fuzzy situational-precedent models for operational control of complex technical objects Co-authors: Sokolov, A.M.