Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
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Publication date:
16 March 2024
Ph.D (
Author in:
- Information-educational portal mephist of the research nuclear university Co-authors: Киреев В.С., Тихомирова А.Н., Филиппов С.А., Цыплаков А.С.
- Use of characterization management for modelling of decision-making process Co-authors: Тихомирова А.Н., Сидоренко Е.В.
- Model of quality management information and educational resources Co-authors: Тихомирова А.Н., Гаврилов С.И.
- Introduction experience of results of scientific researches in educational process of research university Co-authors: Киреев В.С., Шеина Е.А.
- Introduction experience of development of informational-educational resources in format of SCORM 2004 Co-authors: Ivanov, A.V., Кожин И.М.
- Technology of research support systems development Co-authors: Бачурин С.А.