ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 March 2024

Balametov A.B.

Ph.D (
Professor, Head of a Scientific Direction
Azerbaijan Scientific-Research and Design-Prospecting Power Engineering Institute, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
Author in:
  1. About the program of electric power losses calculation in radial electric mains
  2. Co-authors: Khalilov E.D.
  3. On power tracing distribution in electric networks
  4. Co-authors: Khalilov E.D., Isaeva T.M., Isgenderov F.G.
  5. A program of modeling wire temperature and power losses based on operation and atmospheric factors
  6. Co-authors: Khalilov E.D., M.P. Bayramov, K.A. Agakhanova
  7. About software for planning measures to reduce power losses from current asymmetry in 0,4 kV networks
  8. Co-authors: A.K. Salimova , N.I. Gadzhiev , A.B. Balametov
  9. A software computing suite for simulating effects from coronating wires of overhead AC lines
  10. Co-authors: Khalilov E.D., Isaeva T.M.