Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Ovechkin M.V.
Ph.D (
Orenburg State University
Author in:
- The software packages applicability oriented on work with images to the x-ray analysis problem Co-authors: Serdyuk A.I.
- Development of algorithm of directed recognition considering information about relief by example of satellite imagery and Earth remote sensing data Co-authors: Altynbaev R.B., Gafurov A.S.
- A method of organizing information and software for CAM processes deep drawing Co-authors: Serdyuk A.I., Kornipaev M.A., Shegolev A.V.
- The software module of the automated design for the crimping hollow cylindrical parts process Co-authors: A.V. Kuzmin , Serdyuk A.I., A.I. Sergeev , Shegolev A.V., M.V. Ivanyuk