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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Vestyak V.A.
Ph.D (
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University
Author in:
- Planning algorithms of aviation materials fatigue tests Co-authors: Agamirov L.V., Agamirov V.L.
- Estimation of advanced characteristics of airoplanes using cluster analysis Co-authors: Malashkin A.V., Malashkin A.A.
- Statistical analysis of test results of products of aeronautical engineering in terms of random censoring Co-authors: Agamirov L.V., Agamirov V.L.
- Recursive algorithm for exact calculation of rank tests for testing statistical hypotheses Co-authors: Agamirov L.V., Agamirov V.L.
- The study of the variation coefficient distribution in problems of test statistical analysis Co-authors: Agamirov L.V., Agamirov V.L.
- Calculating inverse distribution functions: Algorithms and programs Co-authors: Agamirov L.V., Agamirov V.L.