ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

Journal influence

Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Next issue

Publication date:
16 March 2024

Keyword: reliability

  1. Authors: Коганов А.В., Сазонов А.Н.

  2. Algorithmic basis of tests generation taking into account radiating influence
  3. Authors: Конарев М.В.

  4. Real-time operating system Baget 3.0
  5. Authors: Годунов А.Н.

  6. Source code generator for real-time systems
  7. Authors: Нархов К.Г.

  8. Reliability of training systems constructed on two-rank local computer networks
  9. Authors: Хрястолов Ю.М.

  10. Techniques provided fof valnerabilities reduction in special real time software
  11. Authors: Нархов К.Г.

  12. Increase of storage coefficient of computing complex efficiency when using virtualization
  13. Authors: Тетюшев А.В.

  14. Banking institution corporate multiservice network. Construction example
  15. Authors: Лисецкий Ю.М.

  16. A method for a product technical level assessment based on reclamations monitoring in the prodaction quality management system
  17. Authors: Арефьев И.Б., Клавдиев А.А., Воловик А.В.

  18. Ship life cycle information support efficiency evaluation: an overview of the approach
  19. Authors: Третьяков О.В.

  20. Planning algorithms of aviation materials fatigue tests
  21. Authors: Агамиров Л.В., Агамиров В.Л., Вестяк В.А.

  22. Special features of data-processing center and space center upgrade
  23. Authors: Снытко А.С., Терников А.А.

  24. Algorithms for equipment reliability test in an automatic control system
  25. Authors: Русин А.Ю., Абдулхамед М., Барышев Я.В.

  26. The study of the variation coefficient distribution in problems of test statistical analysis
  27. Authors: Агамиров Л.В., Агамиров В.Л., Вестяк В.А.

  28. The model of fault-tolerant cluster reliability with virtual machine migration
  29. Authors: Богатырев В.А., Алексанков С.М., Деркач А.Н.

  30. Optimization of the control initialization periodicity based on duplicated computing
  31. Authors: Богатырев В.А., Лисичкин Д.Э.