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The official website of the Journal “Programmnye produkty i sistemy” (Software & Systems) is developed and maintained by the “Internet technologies and marketing” department of the Research Institute “Centerprogramsystem”.
Design, programming, technical support: Dmitriy Bogdanov (lead programmer)
Website design: Konstantin Orekhov
HTML-layout: Oksana Melnik
Search optimization, programming: Ilya Popov
Problem statement, management, an idea: Igor Konykhov, Denis Shapel
Print journal cover design (since 2002): Svetlana Maksimova
Translation (Russian-English): Alexandra Beliaeva
Website updates:
New issues publishing: Svetlana Maksimova
IT news publishing: Tatyana Kharlampieva
All comments and suggestions are welcomed:
Phone: (4822) 399-182 (Igor Konykhov)