ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
09 September 2024

Articles of journal № 1 at 2024 year.

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Public date | Title | Authors

1. Software emulator of quantum algorithms for sophisticated simulation on a conventional computer [№1 за 2024 год]
Authors: Ulyanov, S.V., Ulyanov, V.S.
Visitors: 1335
A quantum software engineering platform includes quantum computing methods, a quantum algorithm theory and quantum programming. These areas develop according to a technological structure of nanotechnology development for hardware design of various configurations. In about 10 to 30 years we expect the appearing of an industrial quantum computer for real software engineering; this fact is due to overcoming a number of technological difficulties in implementing hardware, as well as the fundamental difficulty of eliminating decoherence physical phenomenon and correcting errors in quantum computers in near future. A key question in quantum computing is searching for quantum algorithms that potentially have a significant advantage and supremacy over classical algorithms for problems of practical interest. Therefore, currently, an approach is being developed to create quantum algorithm structures for quantum simulators with the possibility of effective implementation on classical architecture computers. This paper proposes an effective modelling method with information analysis of quantum search and decision-making algorithm structures in order to eliminate redun-dancy in practical implementation of a simulator on a classical structure computer. As an example, we demonstrate the method of modeling Grover's quantum search algorithm with stopping the search for a good solution based on the Shannon information entropy minimum principle. There are modeling examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed approach in quantum software engineering and intelligent control robotics.

2. Analyzing the time of Bell inequality test for information retrieval [№1 за 2024 год]
Authors: Alaa Aldarf, Alaa Shaker, Bessmertny I.A.
Visitors: 1011
The Bell inequality test enhances information retrieval and search engine efficiency. It orders retrieved results based on word relationships while prioritizing relevant outcomes. However, its time aspect remains unexplored since it is slower than the TF-IDF method. The research methodology of this work involves conducting experiments to analyze the time of the Bell test and exploring various aspects of the Bell test and its components. The experiments demonstrate that the HAL matrix computation constitutes a significant part of the total Bell test time exceeding 80%. The study also examines the use of the CuPy library on GPUs to accelerate HAL matrix calculations, which reveals that the benefits of GPU acceleration are limited due to data transfer overheads. Additionally, this work introduces the “save and restore” method, which involves precomputing and storing the HAL matrix in a database in order to reduce the time required for future queries. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated for texts containing numerous repeated words that results in faster execution times compared to recalculating the HAL matrix for each query. The research holds practical significance for developing efficient and real-time IR systems. When identifying the major time-consuming components of the Bell test, particularly the the HAL matrix computation, the study points to potential areas for optimization and improvement in search speed and performance. Moreover, the introduced “save and restore” method provides a useful strategy for optimizing IR systems with texts containing repetitive content.

3. The structure of a network multilevel computer model in terms of the component circuit method for implementing network virtual laboratories [№1 за 2024 год]
Authors: Alexey S. Boldenkov, Gandzha T.V., Dmitriev V.M.
Visitors: 1436
The paper presents the architecture design and operation principle of a distributed computer laboratory for remote modeling of physical processes, as well as the application of a tool for distance learning using web technologies. The computer model is formed in terms of the component circuit method and provides flexibility in the modeling process. Its structure is based on the multilevel computer simulation method. It includes a visual level with visualization tools and interactive communication, a logical level that has the experiment algorithm itself, and an object level containing a model of the object under study as a component circuit with connected models of actuators and measuring devices. The architecture assumes a client-server connection for data exchange over the Internet. The paper proposes to develop a cross-platform application that is a web configurator including a library of visual components (digital indicator, pointer, slider, etc.). Special network components Receiver and Transmitter enable network interaction between a server and client applications. Client and server parts of the network computer model are connected via components developed within the development of the Russian MARS modeling environment. The practical significance of the proposed solution is in organizing multi-user network virtual laboratories and a unique combination of distance learning and computer modeling, which in turn simplifies the learning process and increases its efficiency. The presented structure is suitable both for implementing network multi-user simulators to train different technical specialists and for conducting remote experiments using one physical test bench.

4. Method of automatic configuration of routers [№1 за 2024 год]
Authors: Roza R. Fatkieva, Anton S. Sudakov
Visitors: 1254
Modern network infrastructure includes various layers and types of devices, as well as a variety of protocols and services for interaction between devices. This complicates their management and first-time configuration. Mass configuration of the same type of devices enhances the likelihood of errors during their configuration. Automatic configuration of network devices facilitates the administration task, reduces the likelihood of errors and time for deploying a large number of network nodes. The paper considers existing approaches to configuring network devices. It presents a method of auto-mating the process of configuring routers using the theory of finite automata. It is shown that in terms of automatic configuration of routers, finite automata can be used to represent various states and actions that may occur during a configuration process. This allows developing an automated system responding to changes and events in the network, adapting to new conditions. The presented method is a base for algorithms of automatic detection of routers, their configuration and a method for collecting information messages that occur during device configuration. There is also a developed software package represented by a web application, which allows reducing the time of network infrastructure deployment. A practical example shows the ability to search for devices in the network, to analyze the equipment manufacturer by MAC address, remotely connect to it and automatically configure MikroTik routers. The developed software package can be used for quick and easy configuration of routers in medium and large organizations.

5. Synchronous distributed computing at continuous execution of blocks of a limited number of program resource copiess [№1 за 2024 год]
Authors: Pavel А. Pavlov, Nikolay S. Kovalenko
Visitors: 1160
When creating multiprocessor distributed computing systems, the problems of constructing and investigating mathematical models for organizing the interaction of processes competing for a software resource are of particular relevance. In this connection, distributed computing tasks related to obtaining mathematical relations, which can have both direct and inverse character, are of interest. When setting direct problems, the conditions are the values of multiprocessor system parameters, the solution is the minimum total time for making given volumes of calculations. The formulation of inverse problems is reduced to calculating multiprocessor system characteristics, searching for criteria of efficiency and optimality of organizing the execution of a set of distributed competing interacting processes. The apparatus of graph theory, linear Gantt diagrams, schedule theory, combinatorial optimization, matrix algebra, etc. is widely used when constructing and studying mathematical models and problems of optimal organization of distributed processes. This paper shows a constructed mathematical model of distributed computations, solves the problems of finding the minimum execution time of heterogeneous processes competing for using a limited number of program resource copies in a synchronous mode in cases of unlimited and limited parallelism in the number of processors of a multiprocessor system. It also uses the ideas of structuring a program resource into linearly ordered blocks with their further conveying by processes and processors of a multiprocessor system.

6. Modeling information processes of big data management systems to solve cybersecurity problems [№1 за 2024 год]
Authors: Poltavtseva M.A., Dmitry P. Zegzhda
Visitors: 1483
The imperfection of classical security models when applied to real systems has led to developing a reverse approach: modeling systems of different classes to subsequently supplement their models with security attributes. Nowadays solving distributed system security problems based on such models is a dynamically developing area of scientific knowledge. The paper considers modeling of heterogeneous big data management systems for solving modern cybersecurity problems. The authors identify and take into account such key features of the system class under consideration as using heterogeneous data structures and limitations of data manipulation tools, primarily with respect to the granularity of security functions during implementation. The paper proposes a graph model of a big data management system using generalized operations on data: merge, split and transform. Graph vertices represent structured data fragments, the arcs represent their processing operations regardless of a specific tool and a transformation type. Due to generalized operations, the model allows taking into account data transformations both within processing tools and when transferring information between them; it provides a comprehensive representation of information processing at the data engineering level. A special feature of the model is its construction automation based on a specific big data system, which helps maintaining adequacy during evolutionary changes in the modeled object. The presented model allows solving a wide range of problems in the field of security of large-scale heterogeneous systems, such as access control, auditing, security assessment. As an example, the paper shows how use the proposed model to automate the analysis of security policies in this class of systems.

7. Software implementation of algorithms for electrical equipment diagnostics (by the example of harmonic oscillation analysis) [№1 за 2024 год]
Authors: A.E. Kolodenkova , S.S. Vereshchagina
Visitors: 1069
The paper proposes an algorithm for selecting electrical equipment parameters, an algorithm for searching deviations of harmonic oscillation values, as well as measures for preventing equipment malfunctions in complex diagnostics under conditions of multiple heterogeneous information. The algorithm for selecting electrical equipment parameters is based on classifying parameters by a character and degree of their impact on the equipment using a knowledge base containing product rules about the types and impact of a parameter on the equipment (basic, additional, auxiliary), as well as a database (equipment failure data, data from devices and sensors). The proposed algorithm allows classifying and selecting the most important diagnostic parameters affecting the state of electrical equipment; thus, it rejects insignificant parameters without information loss. The algorithm for searching deviations of harmonic oscillation values allows not only determining the time of a parameter deviation occurrence, but also the total deviation time in order to identify the causes of harmonic oscillations. The authors consider the structure of the program system of electrical equipment diagnostics with the description of interconnected modules, which have a database, a knowledge base and system interface screen forms as connecting links. The developed software system allows selecting methods of electrical equipment diagnostics, measures to prevent equipment malfunctions according to the selected type of its parameter; detecting malfunction, instability of equipment operation that results in an increase in voltage harmonics, for example, as well as poor power quality. Implementing the proposed approach to diagnostics of electrical equipment in production will allow making a scientifically sound decision regarding the choice of parameters for further diagnostics taking into account a variety of different information types. It will allow conducting deeper diagnostics and thereby identifying equipment failure.

8. Intelligent system for analyzing traffic flows in automated traffic control systems [№1 за 2024 год]
Authors: Rumil M. Khusainov, Nafis G. Talipov, Aleksey S. Katasev, Darya V. Shalaeva
Visitors: 1320
The paper presents the results of developing an intelligent system for analyzing traffic flows. The system development process involved mathematical calculations of a motion trajectory, speed, determining incidents and collecting statistics, and object-oriented programming. The source data are images taken from CCTV footage uploaded on the Internet. To match the YOLOv3 neural network, the video stream frames have a resolution of 1280720 and a scale of 16:9. The developed functional model reflects the intelligent system structure and functions, as well as the flows of information and material objects that link these functions. The paper considers examples of system operation and fulfillment of assigned tasks, as well as possibilities for further application of the developed traffic flow analysis system. Checking the intelligent system operation, as well as the results of its use for analyzing traffic flows, predicting and identifying incidents showed the effectiveness of the developed software and the practical suitability of the intelligent system for solving tasks. During operation, the system recognized the following objects: a car, a truck, a motorcycle, a bicycle, a pedestrian. It also recognized such incidents as traffic accidents, a stop, a congestion of cars, a traffic jam. According to the results of testing the implemented intelligent system using authors’ (prepared) video data and video data downloaded from the Internet, the reliability of the study results (correct recognition of traffic flow objects) in the intelligent traffic control system was 85–90 %. The results obtained were used to effectively manage traffic flows, increase the capacity of the road network, prevent traffic congestion, reduce delays in traffic, improve traffic safety, optimize the transportation process, inform road users about a traffic situation and options for an optimal route, ensuring the uninterrupted movement of ground urban passenger transport.

9. Information support for decision making when monitoring the condition of cryogenic equipment [№1 за 2024 год]
Author: Evgeny S. Soldatov
Visitors: 1181
The article discusses the issues of information support for decision making when monitoring the condition of cryogenic equipment to increase safety and reduce cryogenic product losses during its operation. The main disadvantage of technical and organizational decision-making support systems, which are currently used in monitoring the condition of cryogenic capacitive equipment, is an inability to obtain real-time information about the predicted storage time of a cryogenic product taking into account the technical condition of the vessels, changing environmental conditions and operating modes. During this study, the author used methods of structural systems analysis, software engineering, computational fluid dynamics and reliability theory. The main result is the architecture of a decision support system for monitoring the condition of cryogenic equipment connected to a unified wireless data transmission network. The functionality of the system is to provide remote monitoring of the condition of cryogenic capacitive equipment, including the ability to predict the time of non-drainage storage of a cryogenic product based on the results of computer modeling and statistical data. The monitoring control center is organized according to the digital twin concept, which uses computer models of cryogenic equipment to organize two-way information interaction between a digital twin and a monitoring object. The developed decision support system ensures timely notification of responsible persons about potentially dangerous and emergency situations, as well as the accumulation of statistical information about the process of drainless storage of a cryogenic product. The paper presents a schematic diagram of an autonomous telemetry device for transport cryogenic equipment based on a long-range telemetry module and low-power autonomous telemetry modules for stationary and transport cryogenic equipment used in modern sensor networks. The practical significance of the results obtained is to ensure the possibility of timely adoption of preventive measures to prevent cryogenic product losses during storage and to prevent fire and explosion hazards.

10. A system for recognizing, tracking and describing ant behavior on video footage taken in the field [№1 за 2024 год]
Authors: Elizaveta D. Moskovskaya, Evgeny V. Burgov, Anton D. Moscowsky, Natalia A. Grevtsova
Visitors: 1354
The work is dedicated to developing a system for recognizing, tracking, and assessing quantitative behavioral characteristics of ants in video sequences. Such software is essential for biological research, specifically for studying ants (myrmecology). The current version of the system focuses on calculating the dynamic density of specimens in a given area, specifically the number of worker ants in a designated region per minute. Determining the dynamic density of ants in an area involves considering videos recorded on artificially marked surfaces in field conditions. Individual ants are recognized using a neural network-based detector that determines their position and key points corresponding to their head and abdomen. The object orientation in space is calculated based on these key points. The accuracy of determining ant boundary images was 92% with an orientation detection error of 0.4 radians. Due to determining object's orientation, we use an extended Kalman filter for tracking; the filter considers the tracking problem in motion prediction. The data correlation problem is solved by a criterion of minimum ant travel time. The ant movement trajectories obtained during the system operation are used to calculate dynamic density in arbitrary regions. The tracking system uses several developed heuristic techniques to reduce false-positive detections. Due to the employed algorithms, automatic calculation of dynamic density has become as accurate as manual video processing by humans. The obtained results will significantly facilitate myrmecologists’ work with video recordings, replacing manhours with more cost-effective machine hours. In the future, the system can be expanded with modules for determining other quantitative characteristics of animal movement.

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