Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: Buchi automaton
- The complexity of model checking of the concurrent systems Authors: Захарченко С.С.
- Analysis of the programm use the language of asynchronous functional schemes models using linear-time temporal logic Authors: Кораблин Ю.П., Косакян М.Л.
- The limitation method for verifiable models Authors: Кораблин Ю.П., Шипов А.А.
- Equational characteristics of LTL formulas Authors: Кораблин Ю.П., Шипов А.А.
- The method of distributed analysis of verifiable models properties Authors: Шипов А.А.
- System models construction based on LTL formula equational characteristics Authors: Кораблин Ю.П., Шипов А.А.
- System model verification based on equational characteristics of LTL formulas Authors: Кораблин Ю.П., Шипов А.А., Кочергин А.С.