Journal influence
Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Next issue
Publication date:
16 March 2024
Keyword: cipher
- Authors: Молдовян Н.А., Морозова Е.В., Костин А.А., Доронин С.Е.
- An experience in hardware implementation of functional modules of information security measures on variable logic integrated circuits Authors: Архангельский А.В., Торопченов Н.Ю.
- Using data compression and double caching to increase client-server applications operating efficiency Authors: Евсеенко И.А., Мельников И.И., Демиденков К.А.
- Software for record-keeping and storage of clinical and socio-demographic information about patients Authors: Иванов С.И., Голубчиков М.А., Тарутина Н.В., Сафаров Р.Р.
- The analysis of activity and development trends of malicious programs “file locker-encoder” type Authors: Дроботун Е.Б.